Want to join the GNS team?

There are many roles by which you can join the GNS-I study:

A Local Collaborator

(1) Applies for ethical approval in their center if the ethical approval has not been already obtained by another colleague.
(2) Works alone or in a team up to 3 members to collect data from their local center during a two-week period.
(3) Submits the data through the provided username and password on the RedCap system.

A Lead Local Investigator

The same responsibilities as local collaborator plus the following:

(1) Coordinates the teams in his center by making sure no overlapping teams are collecting data within the same 2-weeks period.
(2) Assist in obtaining the necessary ethical approvals in their center.
(3) Invite their colleagues to participate in the study and formulate additional data collection teams in their center.
(4) Provides information about their center capacity and facilities.
(5) Participates in the pilot evaluation of the study.

A National Lead

The same responsibilities as local collaborator plus the following:

(1) Invites colleagues to participate in the study at different centers in their country.
* National leads are expected to recruit and coordinate at least 5 centers within their countries.
(2) Assists in obtaining the necessary ethical approvals in their country.
(3) Makes presentations about the GNS studies in national and local meetings.

Then email GNS at Dr. Ahmed Negida at info@globalneurosurg.org for further details.

A Regional Lead

The same responsibilities as local collaborator plus the following:

(1) Invites colleagues to participate in the study at different centers in their regions.
(2) Assists in obtaining the necessary ethical approvals in their region.
(3) Makes presentations about the GNS studies in national and regional meetings.
(4) Responds to inquiries from collaborators in their region.

If you are interested in the regional lead position, please contact Dr. Ahmed Negida at info@globalneurosurg.org for further details.

An Organizer

(1) Manages the GNS website.
(2) Designs the GNS presentations and graphics.
(3) Posts the recent news on social media.
(4) Assists in registering the collaborators on the database.
(5) Assists in sending the newsletters to all GNS collaborators.

If you are interested in collaborating to the GNS as an organizer, please contact Dr. Ahmed Negida at info@globalneurosurg.org for further details.

A member of the steering committee

(1) Plans GNS studies.
(2) Develops and approves the study protocol.
(3) Analyze the data of GNS studies.
(4) Writes the final manuscript.
(5) Submit studies for publication on behalf of all GNS collaborators.

If you are interested in joining the GNS steering committee, please contact Dr. Ahmed Negida at info@globalneurosurg.org for further details.